Do I need specialist high net worth insurance?
Do I need specialist high net worth insurance for my home and possessions?

For the vast majority of the population buying your home and contents insurance online is the way to go. It’s quick, simple and very good value. If there is a downside it tends to be around claims – to achieve the low premiums the insurance companies need to minimise their costs. Often, it’s only when it comes to claims that we really examine the policy wording and that can be when we discover that due to restrictive clauses, conditions and warranties our claim will not be met or not met in full.

For people with high value homes and belongings a tailored high net worth (HNW) policy will afford much better protection. So, what makes it different?

Key benefits of High Net Worth Insurance

  • World wide cover. HNW clients often travel a lot creating two potential issues. You need to know that your possessions are covered wherever you are in the world and that your home is not falling foul of restrictions around being empty for extended periods.
  • Appropriate cover for jewellery, watches, collectables and fine art.
  • Cover for outbuildings, swimming pools, tennis courts etc.
  • Liability insurance for domestic help.
  • Flexible family driving options and prestige car cover.
  • A common renewal date for all your insurance needs.

What’s the difference between standard Insurance and high net worth insurance?

The really big difference is around claims. The whole approach is one of immediate support and an eagerness to return you to your pre-claim position. You would be dealing with someone who understands that your home and possessions are top quality and will go the extra mile to ensure a speedy and satisfactory outcome for you. No worrying about if you are covered or fighting to get an appropriate settlement.

High Net Worth Insurance at Pelican Business Insurance

To do a great job for you we need to fully understand your lifestyle and possessions but do rest assured we understand that privacy and discretion are of paramount importance.

If you want the peace of mind that comes from confidence you are well covered then please give Beth a call on 0333 0912730.

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